VA: Should sex offenders be allowed to visit their own child at school?

RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia lawmakers will consider a measure Tuesday that will affect parents and their children. House Bill 1366 would change state guidelines pertaining to sex offenders on school property. The measure is aimed at limiting school access for parents who are sex offenders and want to visit their child’s school.

Under current state law, registered sex offenders are allowed on school campuses if their children goes to the school and their visit is cleared with the school superintendent. However, a bill introduced by Delegate Jeff Campbell (R-Marion) would change that.

Under Campbell’s bill, other parents with children at the school would be allowed to weigh in on whether or not registered sex offenders would have access to their children while on school grounds. Campbell’s bill would require all sex offenders to have a hearing before being granted access to schools. Full Article (with poll)


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This is insane. WHY do this? Has there been a problem of registrant parents “attacking” other children when they are at the school to visit their child?

Do they say good-bye to their little Mary of Johnnie then go hide out in the janitor’s closet, and wait for some kid to come by on a hall pass, then pull him or her inside and have their way with them?

I’m gonna take a wild stab here and say the answer to each is No.
This is just another solution looking for a problem.

Hmmm, in the online poll, 69% voted against this proposal. Significant?

The individual who introduced this bill, Jeff Campbell (R-Marion) as well as any representative voting in favor of this bill should be prosecuted for encouraging child abuse. What they are saying is that the children of RC’s are worthless and have no right to parental involvement nor the right to privacy or a safe learning environment. Parents would be put on public trial, thereby exposing the identity of both parent and child.

The children of RC’s will become the object of ridicule, bullying, and violence. It is beyond perverse. Society needs protection from the twisted minds coming up with these proposals – not RC’s who are being good parents and being involved in their child’s life.

When it starts being accepted that innocent children’s lives are considered worthless merely by association, this is a sure sign that society has moved into the state where any atrocity becomes possible. The registrant community had better start getting together nationally and start fighting and had better do it soon.

Ya these wanabe Americans are afraid of their own shadows and think the boogymans gunna get em or their kids. I guess these are people that have never grown up and their parents must have terrified them when they were children or something because they have some serious mental disorders.

The Republicans really are getting a LOT of mileage out of Megan Kanka’s death while overselling the notion that all sex offenders share the same risk dynamics.

Stop supporting cowardly and shameless politicians that use fear and hate for votes.

As I remember, the basis for this bill came from a RSO who previously had permission to visit his son’s school but began helping as a volunteer coach. Or something close to that. Stupid is as stupid does and now we have a this bill.
Surely, all that was needed was for the father to lose his privileges. Case closed!

We know that Legislators come up with these bills to further their careers by being seen as “tough on crime” and “protecting the children.” I think they are just scraping the bottom of the barrel for new ideas. Sad…

February 4th Update:

HB1366 remained in the uncontested “block” along with 57 other bills of varying topics for them all to be voted on at once. Not one Delegate asked for it to be removed from the “block vote” to be discussed.

HB1366 passed 98-0 (2 Delegates didn’t vote) out of the Virginia House and now it goes onto to the Virginia Senate.

Bill passes on requirements for Va. school access for sex offenders, February 3, 2015

I will continue to oppose this bill when it is heard in the Senate Courts of Justice Committee sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. I will post an alert when it is scheduled so anyone who wants to come to Richmond and oppose this bill can, but there could be less than 24 hours notice.

If anyone has family or friends in Virginia, please let them know about this bill and if they oppose it, direct them to my site (below) for Action Items against it and other 2015 Virginia GA bills.

Thank you!

Mary Devoy

This is another example of an overzealous legislator. First, we put people in prisons and required them to register in police stations. (annually). Then, we changed the law and required them to register and ALL of their personal information is/was posted online for all to see! In summary, this is kind of the wall of shame! Then, this was clearly not good enough. We began requiring some individuals to wear ankle braclets, prohibited them from visiting parks/beaches/libraries/arcades/movie theaters and what not? Then, we began to even prohibit where people live? Then, on top of that, I believe some offenders must register more than once annually and even post signs on their lawn? Or, how about requiring them to inform the local police when they travel? NOw, we even have them being banned from traveling internationally? Whats next? I’m sure I have missed something. Banned from certain professions. So, the case and point is this. You can only push someone so far, before it breaks. If you continue to make life increasingly difficult, one of these men or women are going to break. Be forwarned!

That’s exactly right USA I’m glad someone else sees this coming besides me. You can only push people so far into a corner before they end up lashing out at their attacker or anyone that happens to be available since all these law makers are isolated people they don’t have to worry so much but its going to be innocent people that end up getting hurt.

Never ceases to amaze me that politicians pander to a group and want them to “come out of the shadows” because that cat and mouse game can’t be won, but it’s nothing to put a million citizens under an ever intensifying microscope! Must be nice to be able to break the law by travelling freely and without consequences.

Thank you Mike! Lets see, how many children have been victimized by parents who are visiting their children’s classroom? I mean, if you read the news, there isn’t a week that goes by where a teacher is arrested for molesting or having sex with a minor/student. The sad part is that this commonly occurs with female instructors?

I read the complaints, but nothing any of you have done to fight it except complain. Start a group,or join a group. Will any of you be in Richmond to fight it, have you sent emails to these leaders of ours, or contacted the media with your complaints. Until more people become active they will just keep throwing these laws at us. If nothing else send RSOL some stamps or a buck. Stick flyers on cars at night if need be. Tell the public that while their watching for sex offenders, some drunk driver is chasing their kids. Fight Dirty.

The law doesn’t matter. School districts categorically ban sex offenders.